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Sometimes reaching the end zone is hard.

It was hard for us.

It took time to write Jeremiah’s incredible true story.

It took prayers and tears to relive the fulness of his story, the things only his closest family members and friends knew. The side of Jeremiah’s journey the social media world never knew.

But we finally made it to the end zone. We wrote, Jeremiah Strong.

The book will be published soon. Here’s a teaser from the first chapter:

Jeremiah’s breathing was rapid. Frantic. His lungs filled with moist air as the muscles of his legs tightened.

He sprinted toward the end zone under artificial lights. A football cut the night sky. He stretched his arms. His fingers laced around it. He pulled it toward his body, tucking as he juked.

An invisible force, stronger than any strength he had ever known, drew him toward the end zone.

Thirty yards.

Twenty yards.

Ten yards.

But why was it so hard to cross the goal line? His eyes stung. His heart raced. His lungs burned.

Every nerve screamed pain. It was as if an air pump had inflated his insides. Organs pressed against organs. His body felt ready to burst on impact.

A crackling, wet sound.

Then another.

Each breath felt like his last.

“You can do it, Jeremiah.” It was his dad’s voice from far off. From the sidelines.

He felt the salty taste of blood in his mouth.

“You’re almost there, son.”